About the Course
2024 through 2026 will yield the most significant Infrastructure Plan Funding and Development Activity and Priorities. Join the Equitable Infrastructure Group and Green Building Worldwide members, fellows, and guests on August 10th, 2023, for a timely proprietary discussion on critical energy, affordable housing, and transportation infrastructure projects. Only a few early registration tickets remain.
The Economic Acts affect every infrastructure sector in the US, although the priority is Energy and Transportation. These priorities define the type of projects and how they will be delivered, with a consequent effect on the US economy from 2023 through 2026.
Forum One: Critical Energy, Affordable Housing, and Transportation Discussion, Thursday, August 10th, 2:00 - 3:30 pm EST
The Discussion: The Projects, Equity Opportunities, Player Imprint
Critical Capital Energy and Transportation Projects- 2024 through 2026 proprietary
The National Affordable Housing Push
Updated review of firms leading the Energy, Affordable Housing, and Transportation Infrastructure momentum nationally proprietary
Special Presentation:
Overview of Small, Medium, and Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises - priorities and incentives. Transportation infrastructure is a powerful component of economic growth and is one of the most transformative avenues to equity.
Medium: Zoom
Your Instructor
L . Charlie Oliver, Chair, Green Building Worldwide
L. Charlie Oliver, Chair of the Equitable Infrastructure Group|Partners and Chair of Green Building Worldwide, leads the strategic movement. Charlie is a recurring speaker before the World Economic Forum, the Global Power and Energy BlockChain Conference, and the Equity Forum.